Thursday, May 9, 2013

All of us have different tastes and preferences in styles, be it in construction, dressing or eating. Where the latter two and most of our other likes deal with things we experience first hand, construction preference is a lot more complex.
When we say we like a building, we usually mean the facade or the external beauty. It can go further when we love the interior too. But, are we really looking at the structure in depth before we say we like it? Do we see if the function is optimized fully before we comment? Very often, the answer is no
A great series on BBC by an architect questions the need for architects to go back and look at their building after the occupants start using it. They can then see what kind of problems exist, they can assess them and then try and improve them.Even the structures of some of the very famous architects have problems that have never been addressed.
The 2nd video talks about old and forgotten structures that are converted containers or makeshift structures that have eventually become permanent.
The  video is a six-part BBC documentary on architecture by Stewart Brand that actually turns current architectural practice on its head and can be watched here.